Page name: People against offensive swearing [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-08 02:36:04
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People against offensive swearing

This Wiki is a Safe Zone

I can't be the only one who think that some of the swear words used in modern english
today is overly offensive and pointless.

Therefore i urge all the members
of this wiki to advoid using swear words containig references to the following subjects:
* Religion.
* Sexual preferences.
* Mental development to reach an inner truth.
* Looks.
* Mental disability. 

Do you agree?
If so, join this wiki.
Write your name on the list

We need:
* Members.
* A motto


[The Coffee-Prophet] Proud founder.
[Elegy - gone] (Made our Banner) (Technical whiz)
[Misty Air] (Second Technical whiz)
[Ylaraniala Majere]
[firehawk] Swearing is awful and unnecessary.
[Blurple Berrie] Swearing is a sure sign of a sadly small vocabulary. Unite against the foulness I say! UNITE!!!
[Wannabe Guard]
[Catlover] I don't mind some swearwords, but I'm fed up of people saying 'gay' and such things as insults.
[Caera] Cursing is the little peoples way of making themselves feel tough.
[Lady_Elowyn] Ya know, it's weird. Some swears are completely pointless. For example, WHAT exactly is so offensive about being called a donkey? Still, it's the motive behind the swear that is so offensive, not the word itself. Come to think of it, most swears are completely pointless, made-up words.
[Cia_mar] it is funny because most people who swear do not even know where the word came from,... i mean look at the "F-word".. originally it was from some king that tried to get people to not commit fornication... and was called Fornication Under Condemnation of the King....people just shortened it to an anacronym...

<img:stuff/offensive_swearing_wikibanner.jpg> <img:stuff/offensive_swearing_housebanner.jpg>

wiki version: <img:stuff/offensive_swearing_wikibanner.jpg>

house version: <img:stuff/offensive_swearing_housebanner.jpg>

Our sister wiki:
Swearing Haters United

Username (or number or email):


2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: welcome aboard [Itsme2] and [akhirah]. We ned YOU. *points finger*

2005-01-29 [akhirah]: heh..even though i swear some-times, there are better words to annoy people than just F*ck, Sh*t and B*tch that i hear constantly..*nods*

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Ya, i have som CS-fans in my class that just annoy me to no end. They can barley speak two sentences without saying something totaly abusive. They inspired me to make this Wiki.

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Elegy, could you post our badge to the site? I am no wiz, so i just don't know how.

2005-01-29 [Misty Air]: I know how

2005-01-29 [Misty Air]: Can I do it?

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Sure, if no one minds its okay to me. Thou shallt also recive the title: "Ye olde Tech-wiz"

2005-01-29 [Elegy - gone]: sorry Ice Princess, but since you didn't do it I did... hope you don't mind..

2005-01-29 [Misty Air]: I did not know i was alowed to...

2005-01-29 [Elegy - gone]: I changed the banner... because I didn't like the old one... hope no one minds...

2005-01-29 [akhirah]: new one kicks ass XD

2005-01-29 [Elegy - gone]: yeah, I thought it was a bit better than the old one.. =P

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Thanks again [Elegy - gone], what should we have done without you?

2005-01-29 [Elegy - gone]: you would have died lonely and bannerless =P

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Ya. Do not misunderstand everyone , we love ALL our members. *hands out cookies*

2005-01-29 [Elegy - gone]: cookie! :D

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: yaay

2005-01-29 [Elegy - gone]: if you write that backwards you get the same word *nods*

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: oh? *lookies* yes, you're right.

2005-01-29 [Elegy - gone]: I'm always right =P

2005-01-29 [Itsme2]: computer is a piece of junk.

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: oh?

2005-01-29 [Itsme2]: it's very temperamental.

2005-01-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: had one of those once

2005-01-29 [Misty Air]: the new banner looks realy cool on a house

2005-01-29 [Misty Air]: how did you get the color to mach?

2005-01-30 [Elegy - gone]: I just used the print screen sysRq button thingy and took a picture of my elftown house, then pasted it into photoshop and used the eyedropper tool to get the colour^_^

2005-01-30 [Elegy - gone]: ok, bad explanation, but I hope you understand anyway... =P

2005-01-30 [Misty Air]: Thanks for trying anyway lol

2005-01-31 [Cina]: May I join?? I totally agree, no swearing!!

2005-02-01 [Elegy - gone]: sure you can^_^ and I see you already did.. good^_^

2005-02-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: A question: This wiki is against only words that concern gender, sexual preference, etc., and not against things like the f word and such. Correct?

2005-02-03 [Misty Air]: i hope not

2005-02-03 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Well, The big F is kinda in a grey-zone, but just don't overuse it and i am content. But it's mostly people that use "jew" as a swear word that really makes me mad.

2005-02-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: So in other words, I'm right. Okay.

2005-02-03 [The Coffee-Prophet]: ya

2005-02-03 [Misty Air]: I think the f word is verry offensive and i hate hearing it.

2005-02-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: *makes another wiki that includes swear words in hatred* Just wanted to know, it's a really good idea.

2005-02-03 [Misty Air]: It depresses me...

2005-02-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: It makes me flinch, actually... makes me want some soap. [The Coffee-Prophet], I want to mention this wiki as a sister wiki to my own. Would you please add my wiki, Swearing Haters United, as such to yours?

2005-02-03 [The Coffee-Prophet]: sure thing!

2005-02-03 [Forsvunnet]: If someone wants to say something in hatred to an other person they can at least be a bit creative. Just look at The Quest for the Holy grail! *gives her favorite insult* Your mother was a hamster and you father smelt of eldeeeeerberries!

2005-02-03 [The Coffee-Prophet]: i just love that movie. NI!

2005-02-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: NI! NI! Ekky ekky ekky wpang zuuuuboing! And the Black Beast of AUUUGH! (just as a note, Swearing Haters United is open)

2005-02-03 [akhirah]: ''we demand....a shrubbery!!''

2005-02-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: "We demand... another shrubbery! And after you get the second shrubbery, with a nice space between it so that it makes a path down the middle, and a little higher than the first so that it makes a 3D effect... you must cut down the largest tree in the forest wiiiiitth - A HERRING!"

2005-02-04 [Itsme2]: Wha...?

2005-02-04 [Misty Air]: Wow, why did you name me "Second Technical whiz" I didn't do anything?

2005-02-04 [Misty Air]: Are yall talking about Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

2005-02-04 [Forsvunnet]: Three chears for Monty Python and the holy grail! What is the air speed volocity of a swallow?

2005-02-04 [Ylaraniala Majere]: African or European?

2005-02-04 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Well, Ice Princess1473, you would have done it, if elegy didn't beat you to it. If you don't want the title, you can remove it anytime.

2005-02-04 [The Coffee-Prophet]: You, king? Well i didn't vote for you!

2005-02-04 [Ylaraniala Majere]: You don't VOTE for a king!

2005-02-04 [akhirah]: ''You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, son of a silly person! Ah blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur Keeeng"! You and all your silly English Knnnnnnnn-ighuts!!!'' XD my fave quote..

2005-02-04 [Misty Air]: Oh well thank you

2005-02-04 [Misty Air]: Oh well thank you

2005-02-04 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Welcome to Castle Anthrax. hehe

2005-02-05 [Forsvunnet]: the castle of Aaaaaaah!....hmmm he must have deid while he was writing it. You dont write Aaaaaaah! when your dieing!

2005-02-12 [Dead_Alewives]: HAHAHA. Offensive Swearing eh? Don't come to my page then.

2005-02-12 [Misty Air]: uh thanks for the worning....

2005-02-12 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Yessss... thanks for the warning! *writes name down in little white book*

2005-02-12 [akhirah]: yes..coz people here go to peoples pages and say 'stop ur offensive swearing..'..wat a useless comment.

2005-02-12 [The Coffee-Prophet]: agreed. i've never liked agitators.

2005-02-12 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Yes. If someone swears then most likely no one except their closest friends even have a chance to change it.

2005-02-12 [Itsme2]: Yeah, that doesn't really work most of the time. Although I've never actually tried it.

2005-02-17 [Fizban]: you make it sound as thou it was some kind of drug or something, there is only one real way to make someone not swear, first of all you will have to convince them that swearing was wrong, and they would have to both have morals and have a will to change...

2005-02-17 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Idealism in todays society is difficult to do, belive me, I have tried.

2005-02-17 [Fizban]: idealism in any society at any time has always been difficult, it is the nature of society to make people conform to the average way of doing things held by the mass of people. individuals are scoffed at and those who arent only think that they are individuals and unique. idealism is the formation of ideas often unrealistic in nature, due to this it is often misunderstood. but about before there really is no other way to make someone stop swearing other than putting a vchip directly into his or her brain...

2005-02-20 [The Coffee-Prophet]: [Fizban], I must say you have thought this trough a lot. Wanna join us?

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: umm i am not allowd lol i swear!! isnt it ironic that i am here, i just like to argue, and althou i swear i can still talk about this with you. i personally have the morals i just dont believe swearing is that bad, as long as every second word that comes out of your mouth isnt a swear word!! but yeah...i dont qualify i am just trying to help your argument i mean you have to have reference material to debate with people why its not good to swear and i am going ot try to give you that! lol i know confusing but whatever!

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: By morals do you mean your a christan?

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: lol i am a christian but i used to be atheist and i still had morals then as well so althou i may be a christian now that doesnt give me my morals. but to put it simply yes i am a christian but not part of any specific faction or branch...

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: :) thats good, but i just wanted to say that its a christans job to spread the word of Christ and that we need to be like him to do so, so useing cuss words is like yousing the Lords name in vain.

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: noo because other than directly using the lords name in vain or making mention of his name outside of a prayer is in vain saying a cruse word has no relation to god at all unless you say cant use that as an excuse not to swear

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: We need to be like Jesus to show other people how wonderfull it is to have a relationship with God and we cant do that if we are cussing because thats somthing Jesus would not do, so it is you sing the Lords name in vain because we are sopost to be speaking for the Lord.

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: i may be a christian but that does not make me a missionary it just makes me a christian, personally i think its far to arrogant for us to go around telling everyone hey your religoun is wrong so you must believe this one because yours will make you go to hell, thats why my beliefs althou still christian are different from yours i follow my heart more than the bible, actually i really dont look at the bible that much at all...

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: but to make that short i am not trying to speak for the lord, i wouldnt ever

2005-02-21 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Well, you never speak for the Lord, I mean, we're mortals. We don't know what he thinks, we probably never will. We only know what God WANTS.

2005-02-21 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Oops, I gave a lecture. SORRIES! lol, and well, for me it's more that God doesn't want us to swear. It should matter more that YOU do what God wants for yourself, instead of doing so because you want his Word spread. Both are good, but you should just want to do what God says because he says it, not for any other reason.

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: it doesnt matter, its not a lecture if everyones participating in it and yes thats excataly how it is with people being forced or pressured into converting...and plus we dont always know what he wants i mean to be good is an obvious given but i mean seriously how many mistakes have we as people made, in the ideas that we were following god! i mean the catholic church was pretty sure that they were right when they were doing what they were doing and we all know how many devastating and disgusting injustices they have caused! so althou the bible is inspired by god i dont follow it's every word because its more like our translation of what god wanted, it has things from god but its stilltainted

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: with us

2005-02-21 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Exactly. The bible is quite tainted, I mean come on, lots of the stuff that God's "chosen" people did is totally wrong.

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: seriously i am glad i have found someone who actually agrees with

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: I dont go around trying to convert people im not say that all christans need to,im just saying if you think the lord is telling you to talk to a non beleiaver then you should. and if they turely read the Bible thay would have know "Thou shalt not kill" and other things, but they were makeing there one rules.

2005-02-21 [Fizban]: umm what?? christians dont really have to decide anything for themselves, they can just take the easy way and do what the bible says, simply put follow the ten comandments and what the bible says its easy not to think

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: There are over 600 rules in the bible so its not so simple minded.

2005-02-21 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Actually it's "Thou shalt not MURDER" but let's let that pass... and well, it IS easy to do as people tell you to, even if there are lots of rules.

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: its a translated word so diffrent bibles have difrant eglish translations its no big deal.

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: And its not people it’s the bible and God made those rules and I intend on obeying God.

2005-02-21 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Well, who wrote the Bible down?

2005-02-21 [Ylaraniala Majere]: And it is a big deal because you CAN kill. But you can't murder. The difference is that if someone has tried to kill or has succeeded in killing someone then they can be killed. Otherwise not...

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: They mean the same thing, and god rote the Bible threw the disciples.

2005-02-21 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: Bible discusions....have u ever thought for one flippin second not evry1 believes the same thing u do? I'm taking it as a NO!

2005-02-21 [Misty Air]: Yes i know lots of people have diffrent beleifs.

2005-02-21 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Of course we know that.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: i would say many obsenities to you right now love jared person but unfortunatly this wiki is non-swearing and althou i swear i will respect there wishes, we arent idiots we just happen to be having a conversation at this wiki omg i just wanna say so many things to you i hate people like you who assume we are ignorant there by making yourself ignorant

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: but yeah when you go to oh i dunno any average church and they only preach they dont really talk to you about anyhting i would go to church if they would like have real religous debates irrelevnet of what branch because i dont have a real branch

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Yeah, I have a branch, but I'd still like debates. There are certain ideas that have been said "yes, no, maybe, I dunno" as for answers. I wonder if you could just start a club of religious debating.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: actually that might not be that horrible, i mean i hope somewhere they might do it but something tells me that might not would be going against they average of society and in socety you dont debat that would be what is the obstacle. either people are religous and not going to question anything or there not religous enought to care we have to get the few who are like us...

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Well, it's the same thing with all new ideas. *shrugs slightly* Most people that I know that are religious like debating or explaining.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: same here but there my family how would the average religous public feel if we were to form a group specifically to question everything??

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: I don't know, but I bet that most people would find it better than something like Wiccans (no offense to any) and yet they are allowed in Wiccan clubs.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: umm how many wiccan clubs do you have down there in texas cause up here we dont have any and that is different wiccan clubs are already socially alienated and unaccepted, i dont think the public would like people questioning and coming up with there own ideas seeing as it never has before...

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: We don't have many. But they are still there even THOUGH they are alienated.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: lol well thats good i dotn know of any clubs but i am friends with a wiccan family

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Exactly, and my point is that even though people may not exactly approve of something doesn't mean that it can't succeed.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: that is very true i am just saying it would be difficult...

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: I know about *counts* 5 young Christians that would want to join. That's 5/7ths of the Christians I truly know. I think that the young (i.e., between about fifteen and twenty-five) would join.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: yeah definetly not the old we are still progressing away from religoun... but old ties hold strong

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: I don't think we are progressing away so much as we are questioning things. It's more a changing of religion than progressing away.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: i didnt mean progressign as postive or negative i meant it that we are just moving away and the number of people in this country who are atheist is startlingly high and getting higher adn higher all the time so i definetly think we are moving away from religoun

2005-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Well, the thing is that a lot of those athiests are coming to religion too. My mother used to be an athiest, she thought there shouldn't be ANY religion. Now she's a Jew.

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: lol wow really!! cool well thats good and stuff i guess but i dunno how many people are really actually religouse hmms i know i will make a poll!! lol oy but yeah i dont think the country is following your moms suit yah know i still definetly think we are becoming more and more atheist...

2005-02-24 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Hey guys, I'm back from my vacation *lookies at new comments,* looks like you have been busy.

2005-02-24 [Fizban]: lol thats an understatement althou for all intensive porposes i never acomplished what i set out to lol we kinda got off track lol

2005-02-25 [The Coffee-Prophet]: It really makes me glad that this wiki has gotten so many members, of course it's just peanuts compared to the safe zone or comment exchange, but stil. Just wanted to say that.

2005-02-25 [Fizban]: althou it doesnt look like all the members talk alot lol and i am not even a member and i talk more than all of them lol but yeah you guys need argument material...

2005-02-25 [Forsvunnet]: *talks*

2005-02-25 [The Coffee-Prophet]: indeed

2005-02-26 [Fizban]: lol haha but yea to continue what we were talking about the other day, lets getr up the argument about swearing again lol...

2005-02-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Righty

2005-02-26 [Fizban]: okay but yeah, just telling peple you dont like swearing isnt going to change there minds, you need to actually have things to argue on and say too...practice on me what would you say to me to try to get me not to swear...

2005-02-26 [Forsvunnet]: My little puppy here is very sick. *holds up a lovely, sweet and adorable puppy* If you stop swearing you'll make him better!

2005-02-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: How bout "You know, exessive swearing is anyoing, insulting and shows the intelect of an average jellyfish. Right?" *prepares to defend myself*

2005-02-26 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Well, that just makes people want to ARGUE with you, which isn't what you want... and I've failed twice, so I dunno what to say...

2005-02-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: If you argue with them they might start thinking. And thinking is good.

2005-02-26 [Fizban]: lol if you get them to question them selves and who they are on this topic thats at least be accomplishing something*aww cute puppy!!* but i agree with you that exessive swering is annoying but what about unexessive?? i mean if all you do is spout out swear words i am sorry but if you really cant come up with something better to say you need to brush up on your vocabulary, however if you just swear...averagly are you still against that...?

2005-02-26 [Fizban]: and futher more, i guess my retort if i was a swearaholic would be, i am just expressing myself differently than you i am adding more emphasis to what i say by using harsher words to get my point of whatever point it is that i am trying to make across.../// then what would your retort to that be??

2005-02-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: As i said earlier, the type of people i want to do something about is people who 1: uses "Jew" or "CP" as swear-words, 2: people who have to use a swear-word in every single sentence. But if you say a "shit" or two during your days I've got no problems wit dat.

2005-02-26 [Misty Air]: *sigh* somone just told my i look like a hobit.... what do yall think....

2005-02-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I wouldn't say so.

2005-02-26 [Fizban]: lol umm what is CP?? lol and hmm well okay then and what is your retort??

2005-02-26 [Misty Air]: ...

2005-02-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: CP: Celebral Paresis, a kind of mental disability.

2005-02-26 [Fizban]: umm so why is it bad to say that\?? i am confused

2005-02-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Because it is used as a negative word, Just as saying "gay" can insulting, but it can also not be. YOu see?

2005-02-26 [Fizban]: i understand that but oy whatever, i have never heard anyone say anything bad about celebral paresis

2005-02-27 [Forsvunnet]: To be called anything that has to do with LotR is a compliment Princess, be proud. And as for the swearing...Only people who want to be "cool" never listen to what you have to say. Otherwise, in my experience, people will watch what they say infront of you. Or maybe I just happen to be lucky. But I think that if you do ask them they will quit, at least they won't say those things infront of you.

2005-02-28 [Fizban]: lotr,?? lord of the rings is all i can come up with and nobady has been talking about that...and i know that ylar has asked that i now swear in messages to her and so i dont and i am going to respect there wishes on not swearing,...but its not about that anyway or if it is whatever,...this really isnt my problem but i like debating lol so i am going to try and help:) you need an argument to go with your opinouns if not the only thing you can say is i dont like swearing if somebody ask's why lol oy whatever

2005-03-01 [Misty Air]: the girl who called me that also added "NASTY" so yeah..... and im to shy to ask some one not to cuss infront of me.

2005-03-01 [Fizban]: umm i would say a bunch of things but unfortunately i cannot judging on where we are...if she wants to be a *meanie* like that then thats her problem you know how to stay by and who to get away shouldnt be afraid to simply ask that your not wrong in simply requesting not to hear something that offends you, its the same for lets say an african asking a person not to say the "N" word around them because it offends them for you minus the racial implications its the same your offended by the language the least you can do is ask its not being rude

2005-03-01 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Yeah, and by the way, just for a mention, the "N" word as you put it just means black. That's the entire meaning to it. Now it's a curse because people used it like "Jew" or "Ugly". Just a note... and don't worry about it, Ice. A lot of my friends do swear, but I've asked them to stop. Practically everyone I asked has stopped around me without any argument, Fizban here for a very good example.

2005-03-01 [Fizban]: lol yeah...not only do i watch my tounge i help your whole group lol...i think thats a bit of over achievement lol

2005-03-06 [morbidity in pink]: you fuckers are all fucking shitheads there's nothing fucking wrong with swearing

2005-03-06 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Ah, how clever we are, aren't we? If you want to argue, be serious and respect our opinions, please.

2005-03-07 [Fizban]: and theres nothing fucking right with it either,...why do you feel the need to be rude to us, they arent fuckers or shitheads there simply people expressing there opinouns if you dont like them then express your ideas logically and respectfully with the knowledge that these people are offended by that sort of language

2005-03-07 [Itsme2]: Hey, you respect our opinions, we respect yours. We're not gonna send you 100 messages saying "stop swearing" or anything.

2005-03-07 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Yup, and anyway, sending that kind of thing normally is signing a death sentence because of all the bad words that come your way. I think we can all agree that [morbidity in pink] either is so immature to do that and not even respond to the responses, or just plain dumb. -.- I mean, that's the only type of person that I can think of that would do something against what a wiki is for and not back up their opinion.

2005-03-07 [Fizban]: it is pointless to express an opinoun and then not explain it thus making whatever point you were trying to make unclear and misunderstood, so if there really was anything other than those wonderfull little comments to say to back up your opinoun we wont get them, letalone the fact that how can you expect us to respect an opinoun said well the nicest way i can put it would be brashly when even after having no respect for anyone you then dont even attempt to say something in response, thats just plain pathetic

2005-03-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Ok, lets just conclude there: 1: we don't like [morbidity in pink] 2: Nor her arguments 3: We are finsihed flaming now. Whaddya say?

2005-03-08 [Fizban]: lol hahahaha lets continue or debate lol

2005-03-14 [Itsme2]: I'm sorry, I must be stupid, but I totally didn't understand the point of that sentence.

2005-03-15 [Fizban]: point of what?? lol whatever...this place has been dead lately

2005-03-19 [akhirah]: just shows how pathetic people can be by putting 'fuck u' on a page thats against swearing...we should add them all up and see how many we get at the end of the month =P

2005-03-19 [Fizban]: sorry when i get really angry i swear,...and that person seriously pissed me off, i really hate it when people are overly ignorant, not to say anything specifically about that beings that everyone is ignorant on something, but yeah lols...

2005-04-24 [The Chick Ninja Turtle!]: Hey, what turned ye folks against swearing anyhow? I mean, It's heard all over the place, so what force of nature keep you sane? for me, it was the movies (I hate TV anyway) They were good until every other thing they said was (insert any word) and every other thing they did was go to strip clubs, pop babes and blow blood. It's just not that pretty. 

2005-04-24 [Ylaraniala Majere]: For me it's that my dad swore when he was angry... notice past tense. Anyway, it's a kinda phsycological thing.. bad words make me feel BAD, bad words are BAD.

2005-04-24 [Fizban]: well...that all goes back to how its taken...words especially in the english language can be interpreted in any number of ways...they can be directed in different fashions as well...

2005-04-24 [Fizban]: i personally am not really offended by swear words too too much at all..i use them causually all the time as well, in non-negative fashions...just like words that are generally associated with being positive can be twisted around and made negative, so can swear all depends upon the people and how they react to it...

2005-04-24 [Ylaraniala Majere]: The difference with swear words is that they were meant to be bad to start with. You just have to look at what they mean to tell that.

2005-04-24 [Fizban]: true, but as i said...good words can be twisted and people can take them badly,...and bad words can be twisted and taken all depends on how you look at it...

2005-04-25 [Forsvunnet]: So if i called someone pretty or beautiful it coulkd be ment as something negative?

2005-04-25 [Ylaraniala Majere]: No, I think he was talking about Jew or Catholic or something like that.

2005-04-25 [Fizban]: no flaming moon is right...if you said it in a sarcastic or other negative fashion it still makes that usually positive word negative...just like saying wow thats so fucking great!!(sorry ylar) that is using that generally negative word in a positive way as well

2005-04-26 [Forsvunnet]: But isn't that...hypocrtic (not sure if that'sthe right word),. It's like in Norway people say "Det er drit godt" (drit isn't exactly a swear word but anywho) If you translate it it means: It is dirt good. Tell me, when has dirt ever tasted good? Or when has dirt been good? or when has dirt been used to describe something beautiful? That's dirt beautiful? It doesn't make any sense

2005-04-26 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Yeah, it's almost degrading the good comment...

2005-04-26 [Fizban]: only if you look at it in that fashion...and i dont know, thats a saying and sayings can have different meanings than normal things...these arent sayings i am putting together just words...they can degrade...or not, it all depends on how you look at it,..its all conditional...

2005-04-26 [Ylaraniala Majere]: The difference is that it still is saying bad things, even if you MEAN it well.

2005-04-26 [Fizban]: its the same thing as saying good things even if you MEAN them bad...

2005-04-26 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Exactly, I take many things meant badly as compliments, nothing ticks people off more in a nicer way..... like "insane freak" or "geek"... muahahahaa...... anyway, I guess it is.

2005-06-11 [Fizban]: just what i mean, well, not percisly, but its the same way, people can mean bad things good, and people can take good things bad, along with vice-versa...

2005-06-22 [Nyki]: Creative swearing rocks my socks. Thank you. *dissapears*

2005-09-28 [Pnelma Tirian]: remember when faggot meant a bundle of firewood?

2005-09-28 [The Coffee-Prophet]: In norwegian, it's an instrument, do you think someone has done a joke on that before? No siree

2005-09-28 [Fizban]: lols thats so instrument...well, i pitty the man that comes over here and wants to play his faggot:(

2005-09-29 [The Coffee-Prophet]: That's a situation that could prove interesting

2005-12-17 [Fizban]: Woo!! heres a surprise, never saw that before. Ouch it hurts my eyes, soo much...-_-, *sigh* [The Coffee-Prophet] could you delete that please? So stupid.

2005-12-17 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Well, the post is deleted, and I will do such with ALL such provocating trolling posts here, man it rules to be me.

2005-12-17 [Fizban]: So retarded, when people use swear words like that it only exemplifies what you guys beleive in. Not saying thats a good or bad thigns, but as I am not against swearing in general, only in how its used it irks me. Swearing is useful when used only in non-excessive levels, and htey shoudl be used to show severity in a persons tone or feelings. To me, its more indication to just hwo strongly someone feels about somethign when htey put a swear word in there to put some umpf behind it. It's not necessary to be used like that to have umpf, however when it is used, thats the only reason I think it should be used. Becuase then to me it has meaning...

2006-01-27 [moonscale]: Dirt is very good!!! were do you think your food grows!

2006-01-27 [moonscale]: I prefer not to curse at people. In an argument it is a sign that the person cursing is lacking the intelligence to present a good argument. What really bothers me is when people pervert my words. They twist everything to be negative!

2006-01-28 [Fizban]: I dont think so, if used in the proper place, swear words enhance an argument by adding emphasis...thats what I think. I dont use swear words because they are my only viable option, as you are saying, but I use them because I choose to.

2006-02-18 [x.shattered hope.Xx]: is 'fuck' a swear word?

2006-02-18 [Fizban]: Either your kidding or your a 'fuck'-ing retard.

2006-05-11 [tiragon]: so i guess your not against senseless swearing as long as it's not offensive?

2006-05-11 [The Coffee-Prophet]: That's the deal.

2006-05-11 [Fizban]: Lol!...well, I apologize, but that was offensive. However, I am not a part of this wiki...just a strange person who posts here.

2006-05-11 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Got the strange part right :P Just kidding, but anyways, do not fear for offending us, Mr. Fiz, if you cross a line I'll flame you into orbit in a very nice, polite, swearing-free way. Or not, hmm, choices.

2006-05-11 [Fizban]: Why, how perfect...for thats the best way ;)

2006-05-19 [Fizban]: someone either delete this idiotic post of pointless stupidity showing only how much of a fool he really is...or report him for it...

2006-05-19 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Like so, don't have to be worse than that.

2006-05-19 [Akayume]: Some people have IQ's no higher than their shoe size -.-

2006-05-19 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Sad but true. We all feel sorry for the people with hypergigantic shoes :P

2006-05-19 [Akayume]: XD I think it's funny when people can only answer you by saying "fuck you" or "go to hell" over and over and over.....

2006-05-19 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Oh yes, gotta love those people. My personal favorite answers are on statement A: either "No thanks" or something like that. On Statement B, we have good ones like "Yeah, can't wait," "After you," "See ya there," and my favourite "Going down, sixth floor."

2006-05-19 [Akayume]: I love it too. I just laugh, or one time I said, "Okay, see ya there." or "I was planning on it." XD

2006-05-19 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Another variation is of course "Next stop, The City of Dis, all aboard."

2006-05-19 [Akayume]: lmao!! nice XD

2007-08-28 [moonscale]: I thought Cia might want to know, that story about the f-word being an acronym is not true, it was made up as a joke. 

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